My first big project:  Painting the house I grew up in.
My first big project: Painting the house I grew up in.

I painted my very first house recently. Yes, Im talking about the exterior of the house…but I’m also talking about thee VERY FIRST HOUSE I ever lived in.  It was built by my Dad, and in it, my two brothers, two sisters, and I were raised. It’s a rental property now. My family hasn’t lived there since the late 80’s. But all my childhood memories are rooted in this home in the southern New Mexico farming town of La Mesa.

Things no longer look the way I remember them. In some cases, it’s a good thing. In others, kind of makes me sad. This is how the house looked when I arrived with all my painting gear. Notice the lovely stucco patchwork and inconspicuous phone & TV dish lines. Seriously, it aggravates me. Who ever installed them made no effort to conceal them. There’s not a darn thing I can do about that, but I can camouflage these unsightly wires as best I can with paint.

This house was crying for a facelift.
This house was crying for a facelift.
These unsightly wires & stucco patchwork have to go!
These unsightly wires & stucco patchwork have to go!

Enter my brand new Graco SprayStation paint sprayer. I broke it in painting a headboard using the small project container it comes with. Now I was ready for my first BIG project, using the giant bucket that holds 2 1/2 gallons of paint.

My new Graco SprayStation
My new Graco SprayStation

And what big project could be more fitting than painting the home I grew up in? It’s 1400 square feet of stuccoed adobe just crying for a facelift. (Hard to believe my parents raised 5 children in a home this size, with 3 bedrooms and only 1 bathroom! But I digress.)

Me using my new Graco SprayStation
Me using my new Graco SprayStation

It was an all day job. Truth be told, I could not have done it without my wonderful husband. He helped reach the places my arms couldn’t get to and he carried the weight my muscles (or lack thereof) couldn’t bare. I’m kind of proud of how it turned out. They say you can never go back home, but it sure was good to visit and leave my mark on this house all over again.

The paint conceals the wires and makes the house look clean.
The paint conceals the wires and makes the house look clean.

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