Kids Table & Chair Set

This hand painted Kids Table & Chair Set is just one example of how productive I’ve been during this Covid-19 quarantine.  I finally got around to painting it yesterday.  It was another one of my thrift store finds that I bought with my great niece in mind…two years ago! Thankfully, she’s still young enough to enjoy it. 

This is what it looked like Before.  Notice the date on the price tag.

Kids Table & Chair Set

Kids Table & Chair Set

I still remember the day I bought it for just $9.99.  I walked into one of my favorite Goodwill stores, spotted it in another lady’s shopping cart, and I said to her, “Great find!”  She responded with, “Do you want it? I really don’t need it.”  Next thing you know, I was shamelessly putting it into my cart.  True story!

At the time, my adorable great niece was just a baby.  I was excited to paint this for her, but then I got busy doing other things and ended up storing it in my pile of future projects.  But since the Coronavirus quarantine went into effect, I’ve crowned myself Queen Productivity and have been tackling one project after another.  My husband and I put in a garden, cleaned out and painted our garage, and when I emptied out countless cans of leftover paint and organized them into easy-to-see mason jars, I saw a color that made me remember this Kids Table & Chair Set.

Organize Paint

Organize Paint

Organize Paint

Next thing you know, I was dusting off the play set and sanding it.  

Kids Table & Chair Set

Kids Table & Chair Set

I then pulled out my paint sprayer and had the base coat painted in no time.

Kids Table & Chair Set

Then came the fun part.  I can’t tell you how much I love painting for little girls.  If I had my way, I would paint nothing but baby girl nurseries and artwork.  

Kids Table & Chair Set

Kids Table & Chair Set

Please, don’t look too closely at my hands.  I’d love a manicure, but every time I’ve ever had one, I ruined it with all my painting.  

Anyway, I got this Kids Table & Chair Set all painted and put a clear coat protective finish on it.  Now, I’m just waiting for it to cure for a week or so, before putting it into a shipping box and mailing it to my great niece in Texas.  I wish I could be there to play with her, but I’ll have to settle for some pictures.

Kids Table & Chair Set

Kids Table & Chair Set

Kids Table & Chair Set

Thanks for checking out my blog.  If you were inspired by this thrift store makeover, you may also like


7 Responses

  1. You are so talented Marcy. What a blessing to some child. Miss seeing you, but some day soon (prayerfully) we will be back in church together. Love you girl!

    1. Thank you, Charleen. All glory to God. I look forward to being able to see you and all my friends back at church. I think we’re all going to appreciate our gatherings more than ever.

    1. Thank you, Sally. It’s amazing what organizing those paints has done. Now that I can actually see them, I’ve done touch ups in almost every room in the house.

  2. Love this little table and chairs. Especially love what you’ve done. Evelyn will just be a princess at a tea party. Miss you. Wish you and Tony could come over…soon I hope.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I miss seeing you, too. We always had such a hard time coordinating schedules, and now that we all have the time, none of us can go out! Lesson learned for when things go back to normal: Make the time.

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