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This Accent Table Makeover is just the latest in my list of quick turnaround projects.  It began the way so many of my projects do… with a trip to the thrift store.  It was there that I found this sweet little table just sitting there with only a $12.99 price tag stuck on top.  I absolutely did not need it, but somehow it wound up in my shopping basket anyway!  I had visions of it painted an airy mint green, with soft pink, hand-painted roses calling attention to the rounded scallops and detailed leg carvings.  Those visions became reality and my video tutorial, above, shows you every step of the process. If you prefer still photos, continue reading.

I was so excited to start this Accent Table Makeover, I forgot to take a picture of what it looked like before.  The closest thing I have to show you, is the picture I took while still in the Goodwill parking lot, because I was texting it to a friend to show her what I found.  Do you ever do that?  My poor friends get random pictures of thrift store finds ALL THE TIME!

Accent Table Makeover

When considering an old piece of furniture to take on as a project, just make sure it’s sturdy and worth your while.  You can usually find who it was made by if you check the bottom of the piece, or inside the drawers, if it’s a dresser.  This particular table had a stamp on the bottom that said it was made by the Mersman Company.  I looked them up online, and found they were really popular around the turn of the century.  That said, they had so many of these tables out in production, that they’re worth very little today.  Had it been worth something, I probably would not have painted it.  But since, it’s of little value, I figured I might as well paint it to fit my taste.

I was really happy with how this Accent Table Makeover turned out in the end.  All it took was a little sanding and painting to breathe new life into this old piece of furniture.  Be sure to check out the video for step-by-step instructions, including how to paint these roses.

Accent Table Makeover

Accent Table Makeover

Accent Table Makeover

If you liked this piece, you may want to see some other roses I’ve painted on children’s furniture.  Just click:





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